Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics by Douglas Lind

Provides a comprehensive coverage of statistical concepts and methods delivered in a student friendly, step-by-step format. This book includes self-reviews, cumulative exercises, and coverage of software applications including Excel, Minitab, and MegaStat for Excel.

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تعداد مشاهده: 646 مشاهده

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  • Lind/Marchal/Wathen is a perennial market best seller due to its comprehensive coverage of statistical concepts and methods delivered in a student friendly, step-by-step format. The text presents concepts clearly and succinctly with a conversational writing style and illustrates concepts through the liberal use of business-focused examples that are relevant to the current world of a college student. Known as a "student's text," Lind's supporting pedagogy includes self-reviews, cumulative exercises, and coverage of software applications including Excel, Minitab, and MegaStat for Excel. And now, McGraw-Hill's adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within Connect help students solve problems and apply what they've learned. Lind's real-world examples, comprehensive coverage, and superior pedagogy combine with a complete digital solution to help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
    Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.

    1. What Is Statistics?
    2. Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation
    3. Describing Data: Numerical Measures
    4. Describing Data: Displaying and Exploring Data
    5. A Survey of Probability Concepts
    6. Discrete Probability Distributions
    7. Continuous Probability Distributions
    8. Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem
    9. Estimation and Confidence Intervals
    10. One-Sample Tests of Hypothesis
    11. Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis
    12. Analysis of Variance
    13. Correlation and Linear Regression
    14. Multiple Regression Analysis
    15. Nonparametric Methods: Nominal Level Hypothesis Tests
    16. Nonparametric Methods: Analysis of Ordinal Data
    17. Index Numbers
    18. Time Series and Forecasting
    19. Statistical Process Control and Quality Management
    20. An Introduction to Decision Theory

    برچسب ها: Statistics Economics Business
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